Predial Ferreira & Filhos
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Predial Ferreira & Filhos

Predial Ferreira & Filhos was incorporated in 1939, intending to manage the real estate legacy of its founder, Delfim Ferreira.
Nowadays Predial Ferreira & Filhos has 13 buildings situated in the center of Lisbon divided into residential, trade and services’ facilities.
Since April 2018 I have been working as architect and designer in several projects of rehabilitation/refurbishments to Predial Ferreira & Filhos buildings and apartments.

(the images presented herein evidence some small details that are very characteristic to the Predial Ferreira & Filhos buildings)


Since Abril 2018 (ongoing)


Predial Ferreira & Filhos

Works Listing

Rehabilitation/refurbishment projects, construction works’ supervision, signage’s design and furniture design

